
It’s funny: after being completely relationship-free with permission to play as hard or as soft as I desired for a year, my inner whore anly arrived at the scene when I chose to become monogamous with someone I adore. Perhaps it was the change of scenery, or that he was in full approval of all […]

The Call

The Call Hunger Deep guttural growls Eyes cut looking Prowling A mate, a match, an equal on all fields Willing to play and see where it takes them Handling and taming the beast Fierce rage and passion – really they are one in the same Reaching deep inside pulling out the worst to get to […]


Dull throbbing deep in the nether regions of the body Shortness of breath Sweaty palms Slight heating through the body Deep seated roaring anger Lightness of the edge of a rose petal being stroked across the body Happiness erupting just being near the energy of someone Softening at the sound of a voice Allowing the […]