Dull throbbing deep in the nether regions of the body
Shortness of breath
Sweaty palms
Slight heating through the body
Deep seated roaring anger
Lightness of the edge of a rose petal being stroked across the body
Happiness erupting just being near the energy of someone
Softening at the sound of a voice
Allowing the waves to flow through –
The giant tsunami ones engulfing all of you
The gentle tiny ones just brushing the surface
Not all passion is fireworks
Sometimes it can be ever so gentle, soft, warm and inviting
Both are powerful
Both are all consuming
The ebb and flow of both is ever so inviting
Where will my passion take me today,
Do I get to feel like I am drowning,
Do I get to be the power broker of it,
Is it going to slowly and gently flow through me?
Am I fully open and accepting of everything that comes up,
It will be big
It will change my life
I cannot wait to be fully embraced.