I have begun my Six Times Book by Geshe Michael Roach. You are the one writing the book by checking in with yourself each day six times a day. If you would like to read more on this practice, please go to this site: sixtimesbook.com One of the pieces...
Thaumaturgy (Spirituality)
Spirituality refers to your faith, inner self, intuition, practices, soul, and truth. Sometimes spirituality includes religious beliefs, but not always. We believe everyone has their own unique path to follow whether deeply religious, atheist, spiritual, or anything in between. There is no right or wrong way, just the way that feels most in alignment for you.
Bad Things Happen – What Matters is How you Navigate Through Them
As a coach, I typically run into people that are stuck somewhere in their life. Their typical tactics that they learned as kids no longer work and the situation is asking for them to level up in their life. Every single person alive runs into these spots – they...
You are the Tool
Without surrendering to being a tool of Spirit/God/Higher Power/Universe, the event pictured above would never have occurred. A little over a year and a half before this event, the person I was seeing attempted suicide not once, but twice. I could have curled up in a ball and no...
Inspiration or Desperation
Most of us spend much of our lives similarly to my dogs pictured above – uninspired and not desperate enough to change anything until it is food time or we need to go outside. For years I have been reminded by many that we move due to inspiration or...
Choosing and Following Practices
I have many friends that jump full force into a practice like an addiction, only to burn out completely a few weeks or months later. They do this repeatedly and each time leave everything behind – always on the lookout for the next high or the perfect practice. Other...
You Know More Than You Think You Know
I have many friends that have become entrenched in spiritual communities, or just worked with healers. I have done both myself. At first they feel very good, but at some point things start feeling not so great. When they start voicing that something feels off, the leaders or healers...