Our society has become obsessed with big events. We focus on the wedding, the birth of the child, or even the funeral. People spend incredible amounts of money for all three and ignore everything that comes after. It is as if we are living in a fairy book where...
Alliances (Relationships)
In your relationships, you work with boundaries, causes, collaboration, community, family, friendship, jealousy, and romance. All of these can make life more enjoyable or more difficult, depending on how you work within each.
Ghosting & Abandonment Triggers
No matter how much work you do, there are always going to be little things and shadow work for you to face and shift. Mine recently has been focused abandonment. Ghosting: the practice of suddenly ending all contact with a person without explanation, especially in a romantic relationship (from Dictionary.com)...
No Thank You
I love men. Truly, I do. They are funny, smart, quirky, interesting, sweet, kind, and loving. Most of my friends are even men. They are half of the population. I love how much they can fully love and appreciate women and all of our quirks, our anger, our rage,...
Setting Up the Nest
In the practice of Orgasmic Meditation (OM), one of the steps is setting up the nest. This nest is the physical set-up (yoga mat, blanket, pillows, etc.) in which you and a partner actually come together to do the partnered practice. Below is a sample picture of what a...
The Birth, Dance, Growth, Death, Rebirth, & the Phoenix
Relationships have always fascinated me. The beginnings can be so tedious, learning to move and dance the same way as the new partner. Many feet are stepped on during this process until you find a groove that works for both of you or you walk away. They can be...
The Ugly Green Monster
Most people are so afraid of jealousy. I always hear how it is wrong and should never be felt or acknowledged. They try to squash it, then wonder why it comes roaring back up, biting everyone around them. Some more literally than others: I’ve never been one to see...
Through the years I have met many who put themselves on pedestals, as if they know more than others. I’m not referring to someone who has just had more life experiences than others (that often makes them more humble). I’m referring to people who believe that they know better...
We blame when we’re uncomfortable or when we’re in pain… We blame to discharge anger, discomfort. That’s all blame is. It has no adaptive function at all. – Brené Brown Being on the receiving end of blame can be excruciating. To do it effectively, one must allow it to...