Suppressing One’s Power

For a long time I bought into the story that I had to suppress and hide who I am to be accepted. This meant playing small rather than going for my actual desires in life. Don’t be too loud, don’t rock the boat, behave and be good, don’t let...

Always Wrong

If you follow the rules in conventional society, then no matter what you are wrong. The picture below was when I was doing just that – dressed appropriately for my accounting job, in an unhappy marriage that I was trying to make work, diligently attempting to follow all of...

This is NOT Okay

Robin asked me a fascinating question the other day that I have continued to roll around in my body. It is about why it is that, while others typically go along with everyone else on bullying, hazing, or harassing others, I have almost always stood up and said no even...

Your Anger and Rage

I want to feel and experience your anger and rage fully. That is how I get to completely and utterly connect with you. I want to get down in the dirt and muck with you, rolling and wallowing around in it, to fully understand where you are. That anger...