Most people I know (myself included) hold onto a relationship, job, way of eating, or situation long after its expiration date – the point where it is clear that it is time to leave. We just allow it to become more and more uncomfortable, sometimes even toxic. We don’t...
Ebullient Panache (Lifestyle)
Your lifestyle includes your career, fashion, gifts, home, money, possessions, resources, space, style, sustainability, travel, and your organization or structure around all of this and everything else in your life. Each piece is an integral part of not only who you are, but who you present to the world.
Time Management
I have always had a problem with time management. I have a pattern where it seems I am always working very hard but never getting anything finished. After six months, I look back on what I have done and I am exhausted with nothing to show for that time. ...
Failure is such a chargy word. I prefer “I fucked up!” Thanks Robert Kandell for that gem! Why? When I say it out loud with my arms in the air just like Rob taught, I just feel better. It makes space for me to make any adjustments and change...
Just writing the word money causes so much sensation within me. I could feel a warm buzz throughout the trunk of my body. We forget so often that money is actually a tool in our toolbox to assist us in creating the life we want. Many times, we abuse...
Moving to a New Country With Pets
It has been a year since I moved from Texas to the Netherlands and five months from the Netherlands to Norway with two dachshund mixes and a cat. Boy, was that first move an adventure! Okay, BOTH moves were adventures, but for completely different reasons. Based on what I...