I desire to feel you watching me, Your eyes following my every move, Gentle play occurring as you come closer, To feel the thickness of the air growing as we become closer together. I desire to feel your touch, Your hand in mine, Gentle caressing of my naked arm,...
The Call
The Call Hunger Deep guttural growls Eyes cut looking Prowling A mate, a match, an equal on all fields Willing to play and see where it takes them Handling and taming the beast Fierce rage and passion – really they are one in the same Reaching deep inside pulling...
Dull throbbing deep in the nether regions of the body Shortness of breath Sweaty palms Slight heating through the body Deep seated roaring anger Lightness of the edge of a rose petal being stroked across the body Happiness erupting just being near the energy of someone Softening at the...
It consumes us. It dictates our future. How do we get out of it? Where is the exit? Why are we so boxed in? Such a distorted lens. We deserve so much more. We can have so much more. Why do we allow it to dictate what we believe...
I can feel it seething through my pores. Little reminders bring it back up again at the oddest of times. I keep thinking I’m free of it, but there’s just a bit more that needs to be excavated. It is part of my shadow I prefer to hide, but...