I can feel it seething through my pores. Little reminders bring it back up again at the oddest of times. I keep thinking I’m free of it, but there’s just a bit more that needs to be excavated. It is part of my shadow I prefer to hide, but I will never outrun it. It […]
A few days ago my tax ID number finally arrived from Norway. Yippee! This means that we can have a joint bank account again finally and after I´m on one I can select a primary care physician. We researched all of the various local banks as we aren´t particularly thrilled with the fees that the […]
We blame when we’re uncomfortable or when we’re in pain… We blame to discharge anger, discomfort. That’s all blame is. It has no adaptive function at all. – Brené Brown Being on the receiving end of blame can be excruciating. To do it effectively, one must allow it to just flow through and flush out […]