You are the Tool

Without surrendering to being a tool of Spirit/God/Higher Power/Universe, the event pictured above would never have occurred. A little over a year and a half before this event, the person I was seeing attempted suicide not once, but twice. I could have curled up in a ball and no one would have questioned my choice […]

Life is Not One Size Fits All

So many people compare their life experiences with others. Their job is better, they make more money, their spouse or partner is more supportive, they have a nicer purse or shoes, or their child is so much better because they are cuter or smarter or better at sports. Guess what?! This is all true AND […]

The Ugly Green Monster

Most people are so afraid of jealousy. I always hear how it is wrong and should never be felt or acknowledged. They try to squash it, then wonder why it comes roaring back up, biting everyone around them. Some more literally than others: I’ve never been one to see it the way others do. In […]

Inspiration or Desperation

Most of us spend much of our lives similarly to my dogs pictured above – uninspired and not desperate enough to change anything until it is food time or we need to go outside. For years I have been reminded by many that we move due to inspiration or desperation. I have had this repeatedly […]

Time For Healing

We live on a farm on a hill, and a few months back I impressively fell down while walking downhill. In reality, I have bitten it on this hill at least 5 times now. Long story short, I was wearing the wrong shoes for the amount of wet that is Bergen, Norway (I have since […]

This is NOT Okay

RobinĀ asked me a fascinating question the other day that I have continued to roll around in my body. It is about why it is that, while others typically go along with everyone else on bullying, hazing, or harassing others, I have almost always stood up and said no even when the ramifications for myself might […]

Further Banking Adventures

In all honesty, I have some sort of aversion when it comes to banks at this point in my life. I spent the majority of my time in the accounting world working with them all of the time in some fashion or another. It’s not that I believe they are evil organizations that specifically look […]

Creating and Running Your Business

All creation comes from a place of either inspiration or desperation. This is no different for business, life creation, health and wellness, relationships, or spirituality. To be totally honest, I believe that your ability to run a business – any business – directly correlates to your ability to create and maintain any type of relationship, […]

Your Anger and Rage

I want to feel and experience your anger and rage fully. That is how I get to completely and utterly connect with you. I want to get down in the dirt and muck with you, rolling and wallowing around in it, to fully understand where you are. That anger and rage is your passion – […]