I have begun my Six Times Book by Geshe Michael Roach. You are the one writing the book by checking in with yourself each day six times a day. If you would like to read more on this practice, please go to this site: sixtimesbook.com One of the pieces of the day is meditating. Typically […]
For a long time I bought into the story that I had to suppress and hide who I am to be accepted. This meant playing small rather than going for my actual desires in life. Don’t be too loud, don’t rock the boat, behave and be good, don’t let people know you are actually brilliant. […]
Most people I know (myself included) hold onto a relationship, job, way of eating, or situation long after its expiration date – the point where it is clear that it is time to leave. We just allow it to become more and more uncomfortable, sometimes even toxic. We don’t take responsibility and make the shift […]
As a coach, I typically run into people that are stuck somewhere in their life. Their typical tactics that they learned as kids no longer work and the situation is asking for them to level up in their life. Every single person alive runs into these spots – they are part of our growth as […]
Last week I was sitting in an almost empty cafe in Sweden having finished my lunch just sitting here thinking about my privilege. This is what came up for me. I was born in San Antonio and went to a Catholic private school for most of elementary. Many of the girls would not play with […]
As children we are all sold this crazy bill of sale. We are told if you follow this set of rules then you will create the life that we know you want. Do not deviate at all from these parameters and you will have everything your heart desires. The thing is that it is completely […]
For most of my life, when my body says “No more!,” I have pushed past and soldiered on through. The past few years I have been working diligently to shift this, and remember that my body is there to tell me what the next right next step is. It will, when I choose to listen […]
Our society has become obsessed with big events. We focus on the wedding, the birth of the child, or even the funeral. People spend incredible amounts of money for all three and ignore everything that comes after. It is as if we are living in a fairy book where the day happens and everything else […]
We live in a fast-paced world. Everything needs to be done 5 minutes ago. We are focused on the finalization of everything instead of the journey. In other words, we choose to eat fast food in all areas of our life, versus savoring each bite of a perfectly cooked filet mignon that melts in our […]
No matter how much work you do, there are always going to be little things and shadow work for you to face and shift. Mine recently has been focused abandonment. Ghosting: the practice of suddenly ending all contact with a person without explanation, especially in a romantic relationship (from Dictionary.com) This is one seriously messed up […]